Active Wellness For You
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Kenko PowerBand<sup>®</sup> Necklace

NIKKEN Jewelry

Kenko PowerBand® Necklace

- Wearable necklace, ideal for sports, that moves with you -

The Kenko PowerBand® is made with a lightweight silicone rubber core combined with ceramic reflective fiber, tourmaline and static magnets. Together they help create an overall sense of well-being.

Versatile in its construction, two or more Kenko PowerBand® necklaces can be connected by their clasps to create a double necklace, wristband or even a belt.

  • Magnetic technology helps replicate the magnetic field of the Earth

  • Ceramic reflective fibers absorb heat from our bodies and produce a warming effect

  • Tourmaline gives off electrons that may create a calming effect

  • Versatile connectors

  • Easy wash and dry

WARNING: If you use an electronic medical device such as a pacemaker, or have a magnetically sensitive surgical implant, do not use or wear magnetic products. Women in the first trimester of pregnancy, or anyone who has a health problem should first consult a physician before using magnetic products. Do not place magnetic products in direct contact with magnetically sensitive items such as watches, audio/video tapes, credit cards, portable electronic equipment, etc.

Item# 19084
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